To add & manage users for your account on PayMate go to Account Settings - User Settings. Under User Settings, you will find options to Add Users and Manage Users. 

The PayMate account can be operated by a single user or you can add multiple users who will be responsible for specific functions on the PayMate account. PayMate provides multiple User Roles & User Departments in such a way that you can define a set of users responsible for only adding Suppliers and another set of users to only make payments. 

The PayMate platform enables you to add unlimited internal users to your account on PayMate. Users can be assigned a specific user Role under multiple Departments together. The User Roles define what actions can a particular user take and the User Department defines under which the category of functions where the users can take action. 

BusinessCan add admin users for other Departments---Only view reports
User ManagementAdd & approve usersAdd / delete usersApprove user addition or deletion--
Card ManagementAdd & approve credit cards & settlement accountAdd / delete credit cards & settlement accountApprove credit cards & settlement account--
Contact ManagementAdd & approve suppliers & buyersAdd / delete suppliers & buyersApprove suppliers & buyers

Finance ManagementAdd & approve paymentsBook payments or send collection requestsApprove payments or collection requestsProcess payments -