To add users to your PayMate account go to Account Settings - User Settings - Add Users. On this page, you will be presented with a form to add user details like user name, email address and select the required user role and department.

The PayMate platform enables you to add unlimited internal users to your account on PayMate. Users can be assigned a specific user Role under multiple Departments together. The User Roles define what actions can a particular user take and the User Department defines under which the category of functions where the users can take action. 

BusinessCan add admin users for other Departments---Only view reports
User ManagementAdd & approve usersAdd / delete usersApprove user addition or deletion--
Card ManagementAdd & approve credit cards & settlement accountAdd / delete credit cards & settlement accountApprove credit cards & settlement account--
Contact ManagementAdd & approve suppliers & buyersAdd / delete suppliers & buyersApprove suppliers & buyers

Finance ManagementAdd & approve paymentsBook payments or send collection requestsApprove payments or collection requestsProcess payments -


1. The Admin user under Business Department can only add Admin users for other user departments. 

2. Users for other departments can be added only by the users of the User Management department.

To add a user enter the user name, email address, and mobile number. The next step is to select the user role. Once the user role is selected you get an option to select departments. You can select multiple departments for the selected user role. 

For example, you can add a user with the role Approver for the departments Contact Management & Finance Management. This user will be able to approve any suppliers added and also approve payments.

Once the user is added go to Account Settings - User Settings - Manage Users to approve the user addition. Once the user addition is approved the user will receive an activation email. The user has to follow the instructions in the email to activate his account on PayMate.