To add your credit card for making payments go to Payment Settings - Manage Cards - Add Card. You will need to first tokenize your credit card to be able to use it for making payments.

Only the Maker or the Admin user of the Card Management department and add a credit card on the PayMate platform. Follow the steps below to save your credit card on PayMate

  1. Select the type of card
  2. Select the currency for the card
  3. Select the issuing bank which has issued the credit card
  4. Enter the credit card number
  5. Enter the expiry date
  6. Enter the CVV number which is present on the back of your card
  7. Enter the name on the credit card
  8. Click on Save

When you click on Save you will be redirected to your issuing bank page. Over this page, the issuing bank will ask you to authenticate your credit card for a 1 AED charge. Once you authenticate your credit card your card will be charged for 1 AED and will be tokenized on the PayMate platform.

Once the card is tokenized it will be awaiting approval under Payment Settings - Manage Cards - Saved Cards. The Approver or the Admin user of the Card Management user department is expected to approve the credit card addition. 

Once the credit card is approved you will be able to start making payments on PayMate using your credit card. Subsequent payments will not require additional authentication as the card is already tokenized.