To receive money from your customers directly into your bank account through PayMate you will need to your settlement bank account on PayMate. To add & save the settlement bank account details on PayMate go to Payment Settings - Manage Settlement Accounts - Add Bank Accounts.

Please note that only the Maker or the Admin user of the Card Management user department can add the settlement bank account details.

Follow the below steps to successfully add and save your bank account details on PayMate.

  1. Enter the account holder name
  2. Select the country where the bank account is located
  3. Select the currency supported by your bank account. You will be able to receive payment only in the currency selected over here
  4. Select your bank name. Based on the bank name the Swift Code will be populated automatically
  5. Enter your account's IBAN number. Based on the IBAN entered the account number will be populated automatically
  6. Enter the Payable City & the Branch Address
  7. Click on Save

On save the bank account details will be awaiting approval under Payment Settings - Manage Settlement Accounts - Manage Bank Accounts. The Approver or the Admin user of the Card Management user department is expected to approve the bank account details added.

You can add multiple settlement bank accounts on PayMate but select a default settlement bank account where you would like to receive the money. You can change the default bank account anytime.