Upon successful registration, business is automatically activated on a FREE 30 day’s trial plan. This plan offers the potential user the complete platform experience but with limits on the transactions. The Quick Tasks in your Business account login updates you with the number of days left in your free plan and also a link is provided for you to upgrade to a paid plan as per your business requirements.
Apart from a free plan, PayMate offers subscription plan options to the Customers. You can check out all the subscription plans by clicking on this link - https://paymate.in/pricing.html
PayMate also offers a customized plan for the larger Enterprises that can cater to their specific needs. To learn more about the Enterprise Plan please drop in an email to our Sales team at [email protected] and someone will reach out to you
For more details on subscription plan pricing structure and transaction fees applicable, please click on this link - https://paymate.in/Pricing_terms.html#chargestbl